Ldap client problem on solaris 8

From: Chaudhuri, Koushik (koushik_chaudhuri@mentorg.com)
Date: Mon Sep 30 2002 - 14:40:30 EDT


For the ldap gurus on iplanet/solaris8. Appreciate any input to the problem.
Shall summarize

Koushik chaudhuri

On the LDAP server (solaris 8) :

I installed iplanet LDAP directory server 5.1 on a solaris 8

 I Created a profile for a LDAP client & added to the LDAP server directory
(using ldap_gen_profile & ldapadd ).

On the client (solaris 8):

When I tried to add the client using that profile created above by issuing
following command it fails.

 # ldapclient -v -P myprofile -d innoveda.net x.x.x.x

parsing -P option
parsing -d option
findDN: begins
findDN: calling __ns_ldap_default_config()
found 2 namingcontexts
findDN: __ns_ldap_list(NULL,
rootDN[0] dc=innoveda,dc=net
NOTFOUND:Could not find the nisDomainObject for DN dc=innoveda,dc=net
findDN: __ns_ldap_list(NULL,
rootDN[1] o=NetscapeRoot
NOTFOUND:Could not find the nisDomainObject for DN o=NetscapeRoot
findDN rename(/var/ldap/ldap_client_file.orig, /var/ldap/ldap_client_file)
findDN rename(/var/ldap/ldap_client_cred.orig, /var/ldap/ldap_client_cred)
cannot find search base DN


Following are the "proxyagent" , "client profile" , ROOT DN entries in the
directory In LDIF format.:

Proxy agent entry:
dn: cn=proxyagent,ou=profile,dc=innoveda,dc=net
objectClass: top
objectClass: person
sn: proxyagent
cn: proxyagent
userPassword: {crypt}xxxxxxxxxxxx
creatorsName: cn=manager
modifiersName: cn=manager
createTimestamp: 20020925170217Z
modifyTimestamp: 20020925170217Z
nsUniqueId: 86e13e81-1dd211b2-80d68fa6-19018487

client profile (myprofile) entry

dn: cn=myprofile,ou=profile,dc=innoveda,dc=net
SolarisBindDN: cn=proxyagent,ou=profile,dc=innoveda,dc=net
SolarisBindpassword: {NS1}xxxxxxxxx
SolarisLDAPServers: x.x.x.x
SolarisSearchBaseDN: dc=innoveda,dc=net
SolarisAuthMethod: NS_LDAP_AUTH_SIMPLE
SolarisTransportSecurity: NS_LDAP_SEC_NONE
SolarisSearchReferral: NS_LDAP_FOLLOWREF
SolarisSearchTimeLimit: 30
SolarisCacheTTL: 43200
cn: myprofile
objectClass: top
objectClass: SolarisNamingProfile
creatorsName: cn=manager
modifiersName: cn=manager
createTimestamp: 20020925175550Z
modifyTimestamp: 20020925175550Z
nsUniqueId: ee4ebc81-1dd111b2-80de8fa6-19018487

Root DN ( Note that nisdomain attribute is set)

dn: dc=innoveda,dc=net
modifyTimestamp: 20020925174804Z
modifiersName: cn=manager
aci: (targetattr = "userPassword") (target = "ldap:///dc=innoveda,dc=net")
(version 3.0;acl "password read";allow (read,compare,search)(userdn
 = "ldap:///cn=proxyagent,ou=profile,dc=innoveda,dc=net");)
dc: innoveda
objectClass: top
objectClass: domain
objectClass: nisDomainObject
nisdomain: innoveda.net
creatorsName: cn=manager
createTimestamp: 20020925141654Z
nsUniqueId: 5641da81-1dd211b2-80bf8fa6-19018487
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