SUMMARY: Stop+A through a serial console

From: Angel L. Mateo (
Date: Thu Sep 26 2002 - 11:41:47 EDT

        The general consensus is that all you need is to send a break signal. To
do this, in a telnet session, you just have to type ^] and then "send

        If, like me, you are using ssh connection, then all you have to type is
~break, that is ~ and then "break" word.

        More info is available at

        Thank you to everybody that answers me.

        The question was:
> Hello,
> I have some Sun servers conected to a cyclades terminal server, but
> I don't know how to send Stop+A signal (to enter in OBP) through the
> serial console. Any help?

Angel L. Mateo
Redes y Comunicaciones - ATICA	     Tfo: +34 968 367590
Universidad de Murcia                Fax: +34 968 363389
Edificio D, Campus de Espinardo
CP: 30100, Murcia
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