Summary: unable to unzip file more than 2GB

From: Sun Fire (
Date: Thu Aug 22 2002 - 11:38:25 EDT


I received alot of replies and really appreciated for

Most of the people stated that file system must be
mounted with "largefiles" option that I already
did. By default, Solaris 8 is "largefiles" enabled
on file system.

The rest pointed to me that I should get a new version
of the gunzip that can be downloaded from freewares
it should work. I'll try that later but I found a
workaround as follows:

# gzcat Mas.gz > Mas

Hope the information help.


--- Sun Fire <> wrote:
> Dear Sun Managers,
> Hope someone out there can help me on this problem.
> I've received a gz format file from one of my friend
> and when I tried to unzip this file on my Solaris 8
> machine using Solaris 8 gzip and gunzip binary,
> after the extraction more than 2GB, unzipping failed
> and stop there giving me error "File too large".
> # ls -l
> -rw------- 1 1234 staff 758407951 Aug 21 9:00
> Mas.gz
> # file Mas.gz
> Mas.gz: gzip compressed data - deflate method ,
> original file name
> # gzip -dv Mas.gz
> Mas.gz:
> gzip: Mas: File too large
> # gunzip Mas.gz
> gunzip: Mas: File too large
> From the truss output, it shows EFBIG error.
> read(3, " ,EFD1DC g v }12 E\tE0EE".., 32768) =
> 32768
> write(4, " A T A G A A T T A G T A".., 32768) =
> 32768
> write(4, " T C T C A C C T\n C C A".., 32768) =
> 32767
> write(4, " G", 1)
> Err#27
> write(2, "\n", 1) = 1
> write(2, " g z i p", 4) = 4
> write(2, " : ", 2) = 2
> write(2, " M a s ", 3) = 3
> write(2, " : ", 2) = 2
> write(2, " F i l e t o o l a r".., 14) = 14
> write(2, "\n", 1) = 1
> close(4) = 0
> unlink("Mas") = 0
> llseek(0, 0, SEEK_CUR) =
> 18657
> _exit(1)
> Would someone enlighten me. Why I can't unzip a file
> that exceeded more than 2GB size? Is this a Solaris
> bugs or limitation?
> TIA.
> Regards,
> Tim
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