GNOME Network Monitor 2.7.1 weirdness

From: Gary Gatling (
Date: Mon Apr 07 2008 - 11:10:14 EDT


I am working on creating a lab environment for students and faculty at
NCSU. We are using SPARC Solaris 10, U2. Hopefully we will be using U4
this summer. I have a lab environment almost done and I've been using Sun
Ultra 25 workstations for my work so far. We are in the process of buying
more Ultra 25s now. We also have many SunBlade 150s we'd like to use as
"tier 2" type systems when we upgrade to Solaris 10.
The user's $HOME directories are in AFS space on a network. So
everyone logs in to a Solaris 10 workstation using kerberos.

We only use the GNOME desktop environment. The users don't see CDE.
After one logs in, in the right corner of the screen in the Java
Destop Environment there is a GNOME applet called "Network Monitor" If a
user only logs into a Sun Ultra 25 everything is ok. The little monitors
are "blinky." But.. If they log into a SunBlade 150 the network applet
has a little error icon over it in your X session.

It seems this is because on the Ultra 25 your network interface is called
bge0 and on a Sunblade 150 your network is called eri0.
The "Network Monitor" somehow caches what network device you used the
first time and sort of stays with that. And when it can't find it it
displays an error icon. You can correct it by right selecting the network
applet and changing the properties to select the correct network
interface name. But then you hit the same problem when you log back into
an Ultra 25. (`cause its looking for eri0 and it has bge0 instead on that

My question is does anyone know if there is a way to hack around this?
Like perhaps making some kind of symlink to fool the "Network Monitor" so
you wouldn't see that error icon when switching back and forth between a
SunBlade 150 and a Ultra 25 workstation? Or perhaps a command line way to
tell "Network Monitor" which interface to use in a login script? I already
have a X session script I coukld put a command into... I do that already
in fact to control the speakers. :)

Thanks in advance for any ideas anyone has.

Gary Gatling | ITECS Systems
ITECS, BOX 7901 | Operations and Systems Analyst
NCSU, Raleigh, NC | Email:
27695-7901 | Phone: (919) 513-4572 (5B Page Hall)
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