SUMMARY: DNS on hardened OS

From: Grant Lowe (
Date: Thu Jul 25 2002 - 10:59:18 EDT

Hi gurus.

I got about a dozen answers on this. Some suggested we get a DJBdns server
( This program runs runs as an unprivileged
user, in a chroot jail. Others added to this that I go to and use that as it
provides a step-by-step guide for BIND, with examples, using the chroot
jail. Combined with these two suggestions was to use SSH only to get into
the box, remove all non-essential services, and use TCP wrappers (already
planned on doing that).

Thanks to the following people for their help:

system administration account []
Lars Hecking []
Roy Culley []
Schmitt, Martin (Dregis STB C) []
Solaris List []
tflat []
Gert-Jan Hagenaars []
Christopher L. Barnard []

sunmanagers mailing list

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