ntp server on Solaris 10

From: Andreas Höschler (ahoesch@smartsoft.de)
Date: Wed Feb 06 2008 - 09:38:28 EST

Hi all,

I just realized that the clocks of our sun server and our macs got out
of sync. I would like to configure the sun server as an ntp server and
let the clients (macs) use that as their timer server. On the Sun box I

        pico /etc/inet/ntp.conf

fudge stratum 0

broadcast ttl 4

enable auth monitor
driftfile /var/ntp/ntp.drift
statsdir /var/ntp/ntpstats/
filegen peerstats file peerstats type day enable
filegen loopstats file loopstats type day enable
filegen clockstats file clockstats type day enable

keys /etc/inet/ntp.keys
trustedkey 0
requestkey 0
controlkey 0

and then did

        svcadm disable svc:/network/ntp
        svcadm enable svc:/network/ntp

        svcadm refresh svc:/network/ntp
        svcadm restart svc:/network/ntp

All looks as expected:

        svcs -l svc:/network/ntp:default

fmri svc:/network/ntp:default
name Network Time Protocol (NTP)
enabled true
state online
next_state none
state_time Wed Feb 06 15:30:48 2008
logfile /var/svc/log/network-ntp:default.log
restarter svc:/system/svc/restarter:default
contract_id 14043
dependency require_all/error file://localhost/usr/sbin/ntpq (online)
file://localhost/usr/sbin/ntpdate (online)
dependency require_any/error svc:/network/service (online)

        svcs | grep ntp

online 15:30:48 svc:/network/ntp:default

However, when I enter the ipaddress of the sun box in the system
preferecences of the mac and click on "Set Time Now" I get

   Synchronization Failed. Your NTP server may not be responding. Try
again later.
  6 Feb 15:32:37 ntpdate[4636]: no server suitable for synchronization

If I use "Apple Americas/U.S. (time.apple.com)" as a time server on the
Mac synchronization succeeds. Any idea?


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