[[SUMMARY/UPDATE]] 3 node SunCluster vs. Disk-Suite Mediators [[CLARIFICATION]]

From: Martin Preßlaber (presslaber@ips.at)
Date: Fri Nov 16 2007 - 13:09:08 EST

hi once again!

thanks for the answerers, but it seems that my question was not clear
enough... or noone uses metasets in a sun-cluster, but i don't think so

I am not talking about the cluster-quorum devices, indeed you will need 2
disk quorum votes within a three node cluster to get a majority...

What I was talking about, are disk-suite, LVM / SVM metasets. If you
don't use VxVM or ZFS, you can use the metaset feature which comes from
the Solaris Volume Manager.. you can build meta-devices for shared-disks
inside a metaset; if you do so in a two node cluster, you will have to
define mediators for the metaset. In a mediator configuration, two hosts
are physically connected to two strings of drives. This configuration can
survive the failure of a single host or a single string of drives. A
mediator host running the rpc.metamedd daemon keeps track of replica
updates. And you get a mediator quorum...

so, what comes out reading the documentation is, that you will need
mediators only with Solaris Volume Manager disk sets that are configured
with exactly two disk strings and two cluster nodes.
more information:

tanks once again,
best regards,
- martin


as far as i understood the mediators in metasets, you would only need
them in a two-node environment... i added a third node to a two node
cluster, he could join the exiting metasets but not the mediator list, so
am i right, in a three node configuration you can delete all mediators
from the set? the replica-quorum is only used with two nodes so you can
survive the failure of a single node, but what would happen if two nodes
dies, can the third one still access the set?

[[Env: 3x 4900, Sol10_u3, SC_3.1-u4, SAP/Oracle]]

thanks for your time!
- martin
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