mdb kernel message buffer

From: Martin Preßlaber (
Date: Wed Aug 22 2007 - 15:05:40 EDT


do you know, who I can see the message buffer when debugging a core file
with mdb using solaris 10 ?

I have core files from a solaris 9 box, trying the mdb on another solaris
9 box, it works as usual:

# mdb 0
mdb: warning: dump is from SunOS 5.9 Generic_118558-27; dcmds and macros
may not match kernel implementation
Loading modules: [ unix krtld genunix ipc ip usba nfs random ptm
logindmux ]
> $<msgbuf
message buffer


doing the same with the same core files on solaris 10, it doesn't work...

# mdb 0
mdb: warning: dump is from SunOS 5.9 Generic_118558-27; dcmds and macros
may not match kernel implementation
Loading modules: [ unix krtld genunix specfs ufs sd pcisch ipc ssd fcp
fctl mpxio qlc ip usbamdb: failed to find 'nfs4_vfsops'
 nfs random ptm logindmux ]
> $<msgbuf
mdb: failed to read log_recent: unknown symbol name

i did some research with dr. google, found some hits, but nothing worked:

> ::msgbuf
mdb: failed to read log_recent: unknown symbol name
> ::$msgbuf
mdb: syntax error near ":"
> msgbuf
mdb: failed to dereference symbol: unknown symbol name

the strange thing is, that when i use SUNWscat on that solaris 10 with
this core file, it can read a message buffer:
# scat 0
root@mp-wst01 # scat 0

Solaris[TM] CAT 4.1 (build 526) for Solaris 9 64-bit SPARC(sun4u)

Copyright ) 2003 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All rights reserved.
Patents Pending. Use is subject to license terms.
Sun Microsystems proprietary - DO NOT RE-DISTRIBUTE!

Feedback regarding the tool should be sent to SolarisCAT_Feedback@Sun.COM

opening vmcore.0 ...dumphdr...symtab...core...done
loading core data: modules...panic...memory...time...misc...done
loading stabs...patches...done

core file: /tmp/crash/vmcore.0
user: MP-WST01-SYSTEM (root:0)
release: 5.9 (64-bit)
version: Generic_118558-27
machine: sun4u
node name: clnode1
hw_provider: Sun_Microsystems
system type: SUNW,Sun-Fire-V440
hostid: 8******5
time of crash: Tue Jun 26 09:55:13 CEST 2007 (core is 57 days old)
age of system: 28 days 3 hours 52 minutes 38.67 seconds
panic cpu: 1 (ncpus: 4)
panic string: [AFT1] errID 0x0008a509.a9ba0b84 UE Error(s)
See previous message(s) for details

running sanity checks.../etc/system...
NOTE: maxusers set to 0x400 2 times
SolarisCAT(vmcore.0)> msgbuf
message buffer

I am a little confused... any ideas? That's one of the most important
commands i think, often seen that messages aren't written...

thanks in advance
- martin


do have a good documentation somewhere for debugging solaris 10 dumps? i
was on the debugging course for solaris 9, but the most things heard
there, doesn't work with solaris 10 anymore ;( and as far as know, there
is still no debugging course for solaris 10....
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