Solaris 10 zone raw device question

From: Oskar (
Date: Wed Mar 21 2007 - 15:11:58 EST

Hello All,

I was wondering if I can remove and add a raw device to a running zone
without rebooting it.
I'm mounting the VXFS devices into the zone through it's XML definition.

<zone name="myzone" zonepath="/export/myzone-zone" autoboot="true">
  <network address="" physical="qfe3"/>
  <attr name="comment" type="string" value="MyZone"/>
  <inherited-pkg-dir directory="/lib"/>
  <inherited-pkg-dir directory="/platform"/>
  <inherited-pkg-dir directory="/sbin"/>
  <inherited-pkg-dir directory="/usr"/>
  <inherited-pkg-dir directory="/opt"/>
  <filesystem special="/dev/vx/dsk/FAS9600_1/padev"
raw="/dev/vx/rdsk/FAS9600_1/padev" directory="/dbdataSAN/pa/padev"
  <filesystem special="/dev/vx/dsk/FAS9600_1/padmo"
raw="/dev/vx/rdsk/FAS9600_1/padmo" directory="/dbdataSAN/pa/padmo"

I'd like to remove some of the mounts, rename them in Veritas and mount
them back in a different mount point. So far I haven't found the way of
doing it without rebooting the zone.
Anyone, please?

Thank You

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