How to break to ok prompt V120

From: Don Ratliff (
Date: Thu Nov 16 2006 - 08:59:07 EST

Hey all,

I have a V120 inherited from another group, it has
solaris 2.8 on it. And, of course, I don't know or
have access to the root password. I have LOM access
via the serial port of a PC running windows/ Tera

When i type console or break from the LOM, i get
prompted for the login of the OS. I found where #.
gets me back to the LOM. and somewhere found a ##.
should get me to the ok prompt, but it doesn't, it
just goes back to the LOM. I tried reset from the LOM
and it reboots the system, but I don't know the break
sequence to drop to the ok prompt. Or is there a
break or key sequence to get to the ok prompt from the
LOM... auto-boot is set to true...

Any know of a way besides calling SUN support to break
into the ok prompt? the ultimate goal is to install a
new OS from the net...

thanks , Don

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