Oracle 10gas install into /etc/inittab and can run /sbin/reboot as root

From: JV (
Date: Wed Nov 15 2006 - 14:37:39 EST

Hey folks have you done an Oracle 10gas install on a Solaris box?

the that you run modifies /etc/inititab and inserts the
following line:

h1:3:respawn:/etc/init.d/init.cssd run >/dev/null 2>&1 </dev/null

Which makes %&#$^ Oracle CRS run in an UNSTOPPABLE state in run level 3

Also since "/etc/init.d/init.cssd" runs as root I found this little
tidbit in the body of the cssd file:

SLOW_REBOOT="/sbin/uadmin 1 1"
FAST_REBOOT="/sbin/uadmin 1 1"


Since when did an /application/ get the right to reboot a box? I don't
care if Oracle 10gas is screwed up beyond recognition, I have MULTIPLE
UNRELATED CUSTOMERS on the same box and thus I put my inittab back to
the pre-oracle 10gas install state. I can't have a box reboot on its
own due to our SLA and SOW requirement.

How have you folks dealt with oracle 10gas in your solaris environment?

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