Identifying SAN devices used by Sun Cluster for migration

From: Tiemuzhen Khan (
Date: Mon Nov 13 2006 - 15:01:28 EST

I've inherited a cluster (Sun Cluster 3.1, two nodes, shared storage on EMC
with SVM, Solaris 9). We're going to be upgrading the SAN in the near
future. I'm not worried about the migration itself.

However, there are five LUNs attached to this server and I can only figure
out what four of them are! There are three file systems and the quorum
device. The unidentified LUN is also labeled on the EMC as a quorum device
and of course shows up when you run scdidadm -L, but I don't see it when I
do a scstat -q (i.e., I only see the one quorum device I already know
about). It doesn't show up with scconf -pv or scstat -D.

There's only one metaset, and this device does not show up when I run
metastat -s. All mounted file systems exlcuding the three cluster file
systems are on local disk.

The person who built this is gone, and it's entirely possible that this last
LUN was never used. However, I need to confirm that, or figure out what the
LUN is used for so I can make sure it's migrated. Are there any other
possible purposes for a shared LUN in Sun Cluster? Any way to figure out if
it's in use?
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