Low level (?) error "Error int getting (TCGETA) tty params" executing scripts remotely with SSH and sudo

From: Ragnar Moller \(MA/EAF\) (ragnar.moller@ericsson.com)
Date: Tue Oct 31 2006 - 11:03:56 EST

We are using ssh to start scripts remotely on a bunch of servers. Commands
cans be things like

 ssh mpm ls -ld


 ssh mmsgui@mpm sudo /etc/init.d/serverControl.sh status

The examples above work perfectly and result in the desired output.

On the other hand, the following command, which works perfectly on the local
machine, does not work with ssh and produces the following output (first the

 ssh mmsgui@mpm sudo /opt/MPMServer/bin/MPMGuiIhm -c status
Error int getting (TCGETA) tty params: Invalid argument

MPMServer IHM module: version 3.0
Starting up...
openning logfile...done

MPMihm Exiting...


Ragnar Moller

Til: + 33 1 69 93 75 73 / ECN 879 5206
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Email: ragnar.moller@ericsson.com
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