Backing up to remote tape drive

From: Van Niekerk, Ronelle (
Date: Sun Oct 15 2006 - 17:15:01 EDT

Hi guys,

I need to back up about 500Gb of data, on a regular basis, from serverA
(V490) to an autoloader on serverB (E2900)

I was thinking of using ssh to do this, something along the lines of:
systemA# tar cf - /dir1 | ssh systemB "dd of=/dev/rmt/0n"

My problem is that the data will most likely run over more than one
What happens to the tar if the autoloader decides to change tapes?
Does it die? Does it buffer data? Where is the data buffered?

Is this the best solution for me, or is it possible to connect the
autoloader to both servers (SCSI)?

Ronelle van Niekerk
sunmanagers mailing list

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