Operation timed out

From: David Lowenstein (dlowenst@mail.sdsu.edu)
Date: Fri Jul 12 2002 - 11:29:38 EDT

Hello oh masters of grep,

I'm running an extraordinarily lengthy database migration
between a 1 GB mysql database and an oracle database for a product called
blackboard. On import of a very large table (1.1 million rows) my
connection ends up timing out. I'm using tcsh as my login shell, and I've
"unset autologout" for both my user account that logged in and for root
who ran the script. I've upped the timeout values of mysql to ridiculous
values on the order of 2 weeeks.

It's not even like I get automatically logged out, in which case it would
first auto-logout from root to the user account and then auto-logout
again. I just see "read from remote host XXXX: Operation timed out
Connection to XXXX closed"

Any ideas? This happens after about 6 hours of inactivity as far as "w" is
concerned the user running the script is idle the entire time it's

Dave Lowenstein
Instructional Technology Services
San Diego State University
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