SSH Login Disabling

From: Shiva Kumar (
Date: Tue Jun 13 2006 - 07:13:33 EDT

 Hi Managers,

I need help on to fix the ssh logins in sshd_config file. I have ftp server
setup with ssh(port 22) secure ftp working fine but, same time I would like
stop ssh logins. I have also stopped telnet so no one can use telnet
logins but using putty or similiar is able to login.
So I need to disable logins and ftp should work. The users should use only
ftp not the login.

If I put in /bin/false for a user id in passwd file, logins are disabled but
ftp using secure GUI client fails connecting. (Example: WinSCP,

Would some one help me in resolving these issue please. I shall summarize.

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