Summary: jumpstart nfs issue

From: jeff dinisco (
Date: Mon Mar 13 2006 - 15:18:30 EST

Thanks for all the replies. Figured it out w/ the help of some responses,
the archives, google, and some trial and error.

My goal was to jumpstart a solaris 10 client using a FC4 (linux) server. I
followed these instructions...

what's not in the instructions...

You have to create separate boot and install dirs. Linux nfs doesn't allow
mounting beneath an already mounted dir. So /etc/bootparams ends up looking
like this...
client_name root=server_name:/jump/sol10_0106_boot
install=jumper:/jump/sol10_0106 boottype=:in

and /etc/exports like this...
/jump/sol10_0106 *(ro,no_root_squash)
/jump/sol10_0106_boot *(ro,no_root_squash)

I couldn't get inetboot taken from solaris 10 to tftp boot so I grabbed a
solaris 9 one and it worked.

I also ran into some nfsv4 issues on the linux server. The solution was to
set NFS_CLIENT_VERSMAX=3 in /jump/sol10_0106_boot/etc/default/nfs (my boot
dir). That seemed to do the trick.
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