UDP buffer queue on Solaris 9

From: Mike van der Velden (mvanderv@redback.com)
Date: Wed Mar 08 2006 - 17:55:17 EST


We have a RADIUS server that runs on Solaris 9. There are times when we
are receiving a very large number of requests, and it can take a while
to catch up and process them. If we take too long to process them and
send a reply, the recipient might look at the reply and discard it
because it has timed out or resent, or whatever.

We'd like to improve efficiency by checking the age of the packet, and
if it is too old, discard it, so we don't waste time processing packets
that will be discarded anyway.

Another way to improve efficiency is to discard a large number of the
oldest packets once the queue gets too full.

So far, having no luck. Can anyone shed some light on how to determine
the timestamp of a UDP packet, or how full the queue is?

Thanks in advance,

-------- Original Message --------

Here is a description of what I am trying to do:


(1) I am trying to determine when a UDP packet has arrived into the
UDP queue in Solaris 9

a. This way, my application that processes the packet can check
the timestamp of the UDP packet.

My application will compare the timestamp with the current timestamp

And then throw the packet away if the difference is greater than 10 seconds

b. I tried looking for a timestamp field in the UDP header, but
couldn't find out

c. I also tried setting the udp_ipv4_ttl to 10 seconds, but this
didn't seem to work


(2) I am also trying to determine how full the UDP buffer queue in
Solaris 9 is at real time

a. This way, my application can query the current capacity of the
UDP buffer, and throw packets away if the capacity is > 50%

                                                               i. I
tried using the "ioctl" command in perl, but that did not execute
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