Summary: FTP and Telnet slow respond

From: David Nguyen (
Date: Tue Nov 08 2005 - 19:41:55 EST

I received a numerous responses and solved the problem. The problem was
someone put wrong ip address of DNS server in /etc/resolv.conf.

I'd like to thank you very much to all people who help me out on this.

Best regards,

>>> "David Nguyen" <> 11/08/05 5:22 PM >>>
Hi all,

I have issue with AIX, I know this list is not the right one for this
but it's critical issue for me so first please accept my apology. When I try
to ftp or telnet to a system running AIX 4.3, it responses very slow. Does
someone know why it is slow? Is it a network issue or somefile is
misconfigured, if so what files I should look at? Please advise asap as
someone waiting for me to solve the problem at another line.

Thanks alot,
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