Increasing SHMMAX value...

From: Eswar Panchu (
Date: Mon Oct 03 2005 - 13:37:04 EDT

 We have sunfire v120 and running solaris 8 and we installed dataprotector
client on this system and when we trying to take backup its failing by
saying not enough shmmax value so, i planned to increase the shmmax value
from default to 4194320(recomended)
so i updated the /etc/system file with the following entry

* set test_module:debug = 0x13

#share memory allocated
*set shmsys:shminfo_shmmax=4909120*
* End OB2

 * Force ERI Interface to 100fdx
set eri:adv_100fdx_cap = 1
set eri:adv_100hdx_cap = 0
set eri:adv_10fdx_cap = 0
set eri:adv_10hdx_cap = 0
set eri:adv_autoneg_cap = 0

* Begin MDD root info (do not edit)
forceload: misc/md_trans
forceload: misc/md_raid
forceload: misc/md_hotspares
forceload: misc/md_sp
forceload: misc/md_stripe
forceload: misc/md_mirror
forceload: drv/pcipsy
forceload: drv/simba
forceload: drv/glm
forceload: drv/sd
* End MDD root info (do not edit)
* Begin MDD database info (do not edit)
set md:mddb_bootlist1="sd:6:16 sd:6:1050 sd:6:2084 sd:14:16 sd:14:1050"
set md:mddb_bootlist2="sd:14:2084"
* End MDD database info (do not edit)
set md:mirrored_root_flag=1

but after rebooting the server also i found the SHMMAX value is not changing
still its showing the default value 1048576 .

Can any one suggest me regarding this

Thanks in advance

i will post the summary

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