ISCDHCP and Jumpstarting a V20z

From: Randy Romero (
Date: Fri Jul 22 2005 - 12:46:20 EDT

    I am attempting to jumpstart some V20z's that our company has received
using PXE boot methods. We currently use ISC DHCP3.x to handle dhcp for
our network. The V20 manages to get an ip and default route and is
pingable, but fails to get past the "Solaris Network Booting" message. I
suspect that I am not passing enough params in my dhcpd.conf file.
        My best guess is that I need to set up "class" and "option space"
variables in my dhcpd.conf file specific to the v20z hardware but not sure
what those options would be. I have a group option as such:

group {
                default-lease-time 360;
                host dhcp-x86-0 { hardware ethernet 0:9:3d:12:2d:e8;
                        filename "nbp.0100093D122DE8";

Any help is greatly appreciated. Much thanks in advance.

Randy Romero
sunmanagers mailing list

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