coreadm settings

From: Martin Wheatley (
Date: Tue Jun 21 2005 - 10:27:43 EDT

Does anyone have any recommendations for how to configure coreadm on solaris 10 - especially with respect to Solaris containers.

At the moment we're using

      global core file pattern: /var/cores/core.%f.%u.%p
      global core file content: default
        init core file pattern: core
        init core file content: default
             global core dumps: enabled
        per-process core dumps: enabled
       global setid core dumps: enabled
  per-process setid core dumps: disabled
      global core dump logging: enabled

on both the global Zone and the non-global zones but this does mean that when a process dumps core in a zone we get a copy
of the core file in /var/cores/... on the zone AND on the global zone - which means that a destructive user can, if they so desire
take down not only the zone but all zones that have their 'root' on the same file-system and possibly the global zone as well.

Has anyone played with distrubuting user core files to something like /cores/`user`/ by using

coreadm -p /cores/`whoami`/%n.%f.%p

in .profile

I don't want to put per-user core files in /home/`whoami` because we have snapshots on home directories
and core files will very quickly mean we have to hand over cash to MaxStor for more disk space!

Your comments will be much appreciated.
Many thanks

| Martin Wheatley        | Voice : +44-(0)1235 464784              |
| CODAS                  | Mobile: +44-(0)468  894818              |
| UKAEA, Culham Division | FAX   : +44-(0)1235 464404              |
| Culham Science Centre  |                                         |
| Abingdon, Oxfordshire  |                                         |
| OX14 3DB               | E-mail: Martin.Wheatley@JET.UK          |
| United Kingdom         |     or: Martin.Wheatley@UKAEA.Org.UK    |
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