FW: help?

From: Lars Van Casteren (Lars.Van.Casteren@base.be)
Date: Thu Jun 16 2005 - 08:49:13 EDT

Hello All,

It should/could/might work as most of you pointed out, but it is always
best to put the files from a backup back into place.
But, the backups I keep on tape are ufsdumps, I'm presuming I can just
ufsrestore the correct slice back
to an empty disk/slice and grab the appropriate files from there.

personal note: update shell to include working directory in prompt...

Thanks for the many & excellent replies!!
Sent: Thursday 16 June 2005 12:57
To: sunmanagers@sunmanagers.org
Subject: help?

Hello All,

By accident & sheer stupidity I typed rm * in /etc/rc2.d while being
The machine is a V880 solaris 9 with latest patch cluster.
I copied from another solaris9 box (same patchlevel) the contents of
/etc/rc2.d to the development server.
Will this work just fine or did I just open a can of worms ?

The server is backed up on tape but maybe I can get away with it like
this ?

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