zones not available on this system / '/usr/lib/lu/lucreatezone' failed with exit code 71.

From: Eric Seale (
Date: Tue Jun 07 2005 - 20:32:45 EDT


I tried to build a minimal box then add the zone related packages and
their deps but I'm having an issue I cant seem to find a fix on google or
sunmanager's archives.

# zoneadm -z scp install
ERROR: zones not available on this system
zoneadm: zone 'scp': '/usr/lib/lu/lucreatezone' failed with exit code 71.

# ls -al /usr/lib/lu/lucreatezone
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 24 Jun 7 15:22
/usr/lib/lu/lucreatezone -> ../../../etc/lib/lu/ludo
# ls -al /etc/lib/lu/ludo
-r-xr--r-- 2 root bin 526444 Jan 22 17:50 /etc/lib/lu/ludo

Here are the packages which seem relevant and their deps.

system SUNWadmc System administration core libraries
system SUNWadmfr System & Network Administration Framework
system SUNWadmfw System & Network Administration Framework
CTL SUNWctpls Portable layout services for Complex Text Layout
system SUNWj5rt JDK 5.0 Runtime Env. (1.5.0_01)
application SUNWlur Live Upgrade (root)
application SUNWluu Live Upgrade (usr)
application SUNWluzone Live Upgrade (zones support)
system SUNWmfrun Motif RunTime Kit
system SUNWpool Resource Pools
system SUNWxwfnt X Window System platform required fonts
system SUNWxwice X Window System Inter-Client Exchange (ICE)
system SUNWxwplr X Window System platform software configuration
system SUNWxwplt X Window System platform software
system SUNWxwrtl X Window System & Graphics Runtime Library Links in
system SUNWzoner Solaris Zones (Root)
system SUNWzoneu Solaris Zones (Usr)

Where did I go wrong?

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