SUMMARY: Solstice Disk Suite Email Notifications of failed disks

From: Dave Martini 1 (
Date: Tue May 10 2005 - 12:57:33 EDT

Thanks for all the replys.
Solstice Disk Suite does not have an automatic email notification
built into it.
Everyone said write a script that does a metastat and greps
for certain keywords like "Not Okay" or "maintenance"
which would indicate a problem.
It sounds like if there is a problem the words "Not Okay" will appear
in the metastat output all the time so it would be safe to search
for those words. Not sure if "maintenance" always shows up or not.
Several people sent scripts they've written which I've included below.
If you're not a scripter then a simple cron job that does
a metastat and greps for "Not Okay" would probably do the trick.

Dave Martini

There are examples of these scripts here.

And, Reggie Beavers sent a script that he uses to check this.
Here it is.

0,5,10,20,25,30,35,40,45,50,55 * * * * /usr/local/bin/

# look for non-Okay states
# rbeavers 8-28-02
# if recently booted then exit
if [ `uptime|grep -c min` -ne 0 ]; then
        exit 0
BASENAME=`basename $0`

/usr/ucb/echo -n "Not Okay: " > /tmp/$BASENAME.msg
# check non-ctd devices
/usr/sbin/metastat -p|grep -v "c.*t.*d"|while read md rest; do
   if [ `/usr/sbin/metastat $md|grep State:|grep -vc Okay` -ne 0 ]; then
      if [ ! -f /tmp/$BASENAME.$md.notified ]; then
         touch /tmp/$BASENAME.$md.notified
         /usr/ucb/echo -n " $md" >> /tmp/$BASENAME.msg
      rm -f /tmp/$BASENAME.$md.notified
# check ctd devices
/usr/sbin/metastat -p|grep "c.*t.*d"|while read md rest; do
  /usr/sbin/metastat $md|grep "c.*t.*d"|while read ctd sb db state rest; do
   if [ ! "$sb" = Available ]; then
       if [ ! "$state" = Okay ]; then
          if [ ! -f /tmp/$BASENAME.$ctd.notified ]; then
                touch /tmp/$BASENAME.$ctd.notified
                /usr/ucb/echo -n " $ctd" >> /tmp/$BASENAME.msg
          rm -f /tmp/$BASENAME.$ctd.notified
       rm -f /tmp/$BASENAME.$ctd.notified

MSG="`cat /tmp/$BASENAME.msg`"
if [ ! "$MSG" = "Not Okay: " ]; then
   # notify
   /usr/sbin/metastat|/usr/ucb/mail -s "$BASENAME: $MSG" $MAILTO
   logger -p user.error -t METASTAT $BASENAME: $MSG
#end of script

And Tom Payerle sent a perl script that he uses.
Here it is.

#!/usr/local/bin/perl -wT
use strict;

use Getopt::Long;
use Sys::Hostname;

#Metadb and metastat are in /usr/sbin under Sol 8,
#and /usr/opt/SUNWmd/sbin in 7
my $meta_root_dir="/usr/opt/SUNWmd";

my $metadb="$meta_root_dir/sbin/metadb";
my $metastat="$meta_root_dir/sbin/metastat";
$metadb = "/usr/sbin/metadb"
        if (! -e $metadb && -e "/usr/sbin/metadb");
$metastat = "/usr/sbin/metastat"
        if (! -e $metastat && -e "/usr/sbin/metastat");

#Sendmail binary
my $SENDMAIL = '/usr/lib/sendmail';
#Routine to safely send email
sub sendmail($$$)
{ my $recipients = shift;
        my $subject = shift;
        my $data = shift;
        my $mailfrom = " <payerle\>";

        #No choice but to die here if fails, as fatal_error calls this routine
        open(MAIL,"| $SENDMAIL -oi -t") or
                die "Unable to open sendmail ($SENDMAIL)";

        print MAIL <<EOF;
From: $mailfrom
To: $recipients
Subject: $subject

         close MAIL or die "Unable to close pipe to sendmail ($SENDMAIL)";

sub usage()
{ print STDERR<<EOF;
$0: checks status of DiskSuite disks/db using
metadb and metastat commands
        $0 --help
                : prints this help message
        $0 --verbose
                : Prints verbose summary to stdout, no email
        $0 --mail emailaddr1 [ --mail emailaddr2 ]* [--verbose]
                : sends email to specified addresses if error seen
                If no problems, no email unless --verbose specified,
                in which case also reports to stdout.


sub examine_metadb(;$)
#Runs metadb command and looks for any problems with the database replicas
#Returns an array of error messages, one per line.
#Single argument is verbose, which if set means return a status ok message.
{ my $verbose = shift || 0;

        open(PIPE, "$metadb 2>&1 |") or die "Unable to open pipe to $metadb";
        my @output = <PIPE>;
        close(PIPE) or die "Unable to close pipe to $metadb";

        my @results = ();

        if ( ! scalar(@output) )
        { push @results, "Unknown error with metadb, no output\n";
                return @results;

        my $line = shift @output;
        if ( $line !~ /^\s*flags\s*first blk\s*block count\s*$/ )
        { push @results, "Unknown error with metadb, no title line\n";
                push @results, "Instead, got $line";

        my ($flags, $blk1,$nblks,$slice,$repcnt);
        my %badslices = ();

        $repcnt = 0;
        foreach $line (@output)
        { #Flags section is fixed char positions
                $flags = substr $line, 0, 20;
                #Rest is context sensitive
                $blk1 = substr $line, 20;
                #Check looks valid
                if ( $blk1=~/^\s*([0-9]+)\s+([0-9]+)\s+(.*)$/ )
                { $blk1 = $1;
                        $slice = $3;
                } else
                { push @results, "Metadb error: can't parse line $line\n";
                if ( $nblks != 1034 && $nblks != 8192 )
                { push @results,
                                "Block count wrong ($nblks), may be error:
                if ( $slice !~ /^\s*\/dev\/dsk\/c[0-9]t[0-9]d[0-9]s[0-9]\s*$/)
                { push @results,
                                "Slice looks wrong, may be error: $line\n";

                if ( $flags =~ /[^\sampluo]/ )
                { $flags =~ s/\s//g;
                        $flags =~ s/[ampluo]//g;
                        my @tmp = split "", $flags;
                        #IF already in badslices, merge the flags
                        if ( exists $badslices{$slice} )
                        { my $tmp2 = $badslices{$slice};
                                push @tmp, @$tmp2;
                                my %tmp = map {$_ => undef } @tmp;
                                @tmp = keys %tmp;
                        @tmp = sort @tmp;
                        $badslices{$slice} = [@tmp];

        foreach $slice ( keys %badslices )
        { $blk1 = $badslices{$slice};
                $flags = join "", @$blk1;
                push @results, "DB probs on slice $slice, flags $flags\n";

        if ($verbose && ! scalar(@results) )
        { push @results, "DB OK: metadb shows $repcnt good replicas\n";

        return @results;

sub examine_metastat(;$)
#Runs metastat command and looks for any problems with the mirrors
#Returns an array of error messages, one per line.
#Single argument is verbose, which if set means return a status ok message.
{ my $verbose = shift || 0;

        open(PIPE, "$metastat 2>&1 |") or
                die "Unable to open pipe to $metastat";
        my @output = <PIPE>;
        close(PIPE) or die "Unable to close pipe to $metastat";

        my @results = ();
        my @oks=();

        if ( ! scalar(@output) )
        { push @results, "Unknown error with metastat, no output\n";
                return @results;

        my $mirror_cnt=0;
        my $smirror_cnt=0;
        my $line;
        my $mode = "none";
        my ($mirror,$smirror, $sms, $mstat, $status);

        foreach $line (@output)
        { #Check for errors
                if ( $line =~ /^metatstat:/ )
                { push @results, "Metatat error: $line";

                if ( $mode eq "none" )
                { #No history with what was read
                        if ( $line =~ /^(d[0-9]):\s*Mirror\s*$/ )
                        { if ( defined $mirror )
                            { #SAve previous results
                                if ( $mstat )
                                { push @results, "$mstat probs on mirror
$mirror (submirrors $sms)\n";
                                } else
                                { push @oks, "Mirror $mirror OK:
submirrors $sms\n";
                            $mode = "mirror";
                                $mirror = $1;
                            $mstat = 0;
                            $sms = "";
                if ( $mode eq "mirror" || $mode eq "state" )
                { #Previous line was start of mirror record
                        # or a submirror state line
                        if ( $line =~ /^\s*Submirror\s*[0-9]:\s*(d[0-9]+)\s*$/)
                        { $smirror = $1;
                                if ($sms) { $sms = "$sms, $smirror"; }
                                else { $sms = $smirror; }
                                $mode = "submirror";
                        if ( $mode eq "mirror" )
                        { #Should have gotten a submirror line
                                push @results, "Metastat prob: mirror record not
immediately followed by submirror lines, mirror=$mirror\n";
                                $mode = "none";
                        #IF submirror line not following a submirror state,
                        #must of reached end of submirror
                        $mode = "none";

                if( $mode eq "submirror" )
                { #Previous line was a submirror stanza inside mirror
                        #stanza. Must be followed by a state line
                        if ( $line =~ /^\s*State:\s*(.*)$/ )
                        { $status = $1;
                                $status =~ s/\s*$//;
                                if ( $status ne "Okay" )
                                { $mstat++;
                                        push @results, "Problem with submirror
$smirror of $mirror: State is $status\n";
                                $mode = "state";
                        push @results, "Metastat problem: submirror line not
followed immediately by State line, submirror $smirror\n";
                                $mode = "none";
        #SAve reulsts of last mirror
        if ( ! defined $mirror)
        { push @results, "Metastat error: no mirrors seen\n";
        } else
        { if ( $mstat )
                { push @results, "$mstat probs on mirror $mirror
(submirrors $sms)\n";
                } else
                { push @oks, "Mirror $mirror OK: submirrors $sms\n";

        if ($verbose && ! scalar(@results) )
        { push @results, "All Mirrors OK\n";
                push @results, @oks;

        return @results;


#for taint

my $VERBOSE=0;
my @mailto=();
my $help=0;

&GetOptions( "help|h"=>\$help,

if ($help ) { usage(); exit 0; }

if (scalar(@ARGV) ) { usage(); die "Too many arguments"; }

if ( ! ( $VERBOSE || scalar(@mailto) ) )
{ usage();
        die "At least one of --mail or --verbose must be specified";

my @probs = examine_metadb($VERBOSE);

my @tmp = examine_metastat($VERBOSE);

push @probs, @tmp;

{ print @probs;
if ( scalar(@mailto) && ( $VERBOSE || scalar(@probs) ) )
{ my $txt = join "", @probs;
        my $recips = join ", " , @mailto;
        my $hostname = hostname();
        my $subj = "DiskSuite Probs on $hostname";

sunmanagers mailing list

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