large LUNs & labels & inodes

From: Grzegorz Bakalarski (
Date: Thu Apr 07 2005 - 13:24:45 EDT

Dear All,

I have the following quite urgent query (I have to start
copying large amount of data immediatelly) ...

I've got large SCSI array - some 3TBytes.
First I logged to the array and created 2 LUNs - 1.5TB each
(i.e. > 1TB ) and tried to label them with format. The partitions
looked different from "normal old style solaris" ufs partitions -
the first partition (0) started from 34th block and also there were
partition number 8 called "reserved". I tried to modify them
and I could not start from first block or delete this
"reserved" 8th partition. Finally I gave up and created
partition #6 containing all available blocks. Googling I
learned that for devices > 1TB solaris makes EFI labels.

Then I tried to make ufs filesystem, but I found out
that for filesystems > 1TB the minimal number of bytes per inode
can be 1 Mbytes (i.e mkfs -i 1048576 ... ). Because I have
huge numeber of small file (some 50 milions of files from 1kBytes
to 100Kbytes) that was not an option for me.

So I logged to the array again and created 4 LUNs - 750GB each (i.e < 1TB).
Then I labaled disks (LUNs) again. But that was strange: LUNs # 0 and 2
preserved somehow EFI labels and LUNs # 1 and 3 got old style labels.
I tried to change the labels with format but I could not either
force all EFI or all old style labels. Finnaly I gave up again.

Interesingly when I tried to make filesystems on the LUNs,
I got unexpected results. For EFI labeled LUNs I could
make "-i 8192" i.e. 8KBytes per inode, but for old style labeled
LUNs I could not make less than 12KBytes per inode (i.e. -i 12000 -
option for mkfs)..

So my question is if there is any tool or way to switch between
"old style" and EFI labels for LUNs smaller than 1TB ???
And other question: may this labeling influence on filesystem performance ???

I tried to learn more on sunsolve but most of documents were protected
(usually they were not) ...

THanks for any help.

Kind regards,

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