How can I change my keyboard layout!

From: Asiye Yigit (
Date: Mon Jan 17 2005 - 09:32:55 EST

I have solaris 9 on sparc system.

root_on_galaxy# uname -a
SunOS galaxy 5.9 Generic_112233-12 sun4u sparc SUNW,Ultra-5_10

My keyboard type is the follwoing:

root_on_galaxy# kbd -t
Type 4 Sun keyboard

When I select the language as tr_TR.ISO8859-9 from the dtlogin language
session, I can see the turkish characters correctly. I mean I am writing
turkish text on my PC and upload this text file to my sun machine, I can
see all characters correctly via more or vi on my sun box.

I also need to write turkish characters on my sun box. I have found only
one file contains turkey under

I have tried using this file as a argument for loadkeys command,
it have given the following

root_on_galaxy# loadkeys /usr/share/lib/keytables/type_101/turkey
loadkeys: ioctl(KIOCSKEY): Invalid argument

I wonder if I have forgotten something crucial. Please help me if you have
any information about the changing keyboard layout.

Best regards,


Asiye YI.G(I.T 
Yaz?l?m Destek S,efi
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