FW: Solaris problems

From: Buozis, Martynas (martynas@ti.com)
Date: Thu Dec 30 2004 - 18:14:43 EST


Please help me. I have serious problems and not sure were is actual
problem. I have NAT'ed connection that is handled by SUN GigaSwift card
with tagged VLAN - NIC ce700000. When I open connection to host
everything works well for a while and after some packets ICMP errors
starts to come out :

nickel.internal.ffab.tide.ti.com -> ins6 XWIN C port=43680
        ins6 -> nickel.internal.ffab.tide.ti.com ICMP Destination
unreachable (Needed to fragment: next hop MTU = 1496)
nickel.internal.ffab.tide.ti.com -> ins6 XWIN C port=43680
        ins6 -> nickel.internal.ffab.tide.ti.com ICMP Destination
unreachable (Needed to fragment: next hop MTU = 1496)
nickel.internal.ffab.tide.ti.com -> ins6 XWIN C port=43680
        ins6 -> nickel.internal.ffab.tide.ti.com ICMP Destination
unreachable (Needed to fragment: next hop MTU = 1496)

1496 MTU is for ce70000 card. Is this problem IPFilter related or it is
Solaris problem ?

Please help me and respond ASAP. Thank you for your help.

With best regards
sunmanagers mailing list

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