SUMMARY: Repartition of Disk

From: Erwin B. Mendoza (
Date: Thu Jun 13 2002 - 04:42:46 EDT


First of all, the original questions are below of their suggestions.
I would like to thank you for all those who responded on my queries, namely;
        * Lieven Marchand []
        * vijay []
        * Matthew Stier []
        * Joe Matusiewicz []
        * Timon, John []
        * Vahid Moghaddasi []
        * Michael Maciolek []

Here are their suggestions:
 * Lieven Marchand []
> How could I repartition my Disk where it is already a live server?
> Another one is, how I will increase my swap space?
      swapon of additional swap partitions or swap files

 * vijay []
    if its a root disk then boot it from cdrom and create partitions or If it
other than root disk then unmount the all file systems and format the disk. then
newfs, mount the partitions and store data from backup.
    if you want to incrase the partition size and if you have free cylenders
which is in series of the partition which u want to increase then recreate that
partition by adding remaining cylenders. then newfs, mount the partitions and
store data from backup.
    If u want to add some more space to swap then create a file for swap and add
it to swap see the swap man page .

 * Matthew Stier []
    You can always create an empty file, and simply "add" it to your swap space.
       % mkfile <filesize> <filename>
       % swap -a <filename>
    To make the change permanent, add the applicable line to the /etc/vfstab

 * Joe Matusiewicz []
    Create a file the size of the amount of swap space you want to add. To add
300 meg of swap:
       mkfile 300m /export/home/swap
   To activate it:
      swap -a /export/home/swap
   To make it permanent on reboot you need to edit your /etc/vfstab file with:
      /export/home/swap - - swap - no -

 * Timon, John []
    if you have a slice free, you can tag it as swap with format then turn it on
with swap -a /dev/dsk/c#t#d#s#
    if you have no free slices but have some room in a file system somewhere,
you can create a swap 'file' using the mkfile command (see the man page) then
just swap -a /path/to/file
    make sure that you add the newly created swap device/file to your
/etc/vfstab file
    you do no need to reboot since swap can be added and deleted on a live
   also you can have more than one swap device/file

   You could use the format command, and shrink 1 partition while, increasing
another. This method uses "hog-free-space" method. Take a look at format command
in this regard ; just *dont* relabel the disk until you are 100% sure you know
what you are/it is doing :-)
   I have read docs on the web about using swap space ; this is a good one:

 * Vahid Moghaddasi []
    You can only repartition non-critical file systems such as /opt etc... you
can not resize / /usr /var if system is up and running.
    for swap do this while system is up, find a big partition, cd there,
mkfile -n size filename, the do swap -a /pathto/filename

 * Michael Maciolek []
    If you want to grow slice '4', for instance, and there's unallocated space
just beyond slice 4, you can resize the partition using 'format' and then make
the filesystem use the additional space using:
          /usr/lib/fs/ufs/mkfs -G -M /mount_point /dev/rdsk/cXtYdZsA newsize
    The new size is given in 512-byte blocks. Note that 'format' will not allow
you to write a new partition table to a disk that has an active swap partition,
    You can add and remove swap space on the fly using the 'swap' command:
         swap -a swapname (to add space; swapname is a raw partition or file)
         swap -d swapname (to remove a partition/file from the swap area)

-----Original Message-----
[]On Behalf Of Erwin B. Mendoza
Sent: Tuesday, June 11, 2002 4:30 PM
To: (MailList) Sun Managers
Subject: Repartition of Disk

Greetings Guru!!!

OS: Solaris 8
Hardware: Sun Server

How could I repartition my Disk where it is already a live server?
Another one is, how I will increase my swap space?

Any help would highly appreciated.....

Thanks and more power.......

 Best Regards,

 Erwin B. Mendoza
 Telephone No. : +632 631 7580
 Cronus Group, Inc.
 Ortigas Centre, Pasig City
 Manila, Philippines

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