ldapmodify not working with Sun Directory Server 5.2

From: Peter Barth (barth@wiesan.de)
Date: Wed Dec 01 2004 - 11:05:00 EST

Hi there,

I do have a problem in a educational environment.

Teachers need to change the pupils passwords without knowing it.

The authenticaton works agaainst the Sun Directory Server 5.2.

I thought about a script which uses the command
/var/Sun/mps/share/bin/ldapmodify but have no success.

I alway receive - even if I try to change the teachers own password -
the error message, that I don#T have sufficient permissions to do so,
the "write" permission to change teh attribute misses.

But, I can change - as a techer - my teacher password using the command
And I added a aci which looks like:

        (target = "ldap:///uid=*,ou=lehrer,ou=people,dc=dilthey,dc=local"
        (targetattr = "*")
        (version 3.0; acl "teacher"; allow (all)
        userdn =

The SDS Console tells me the syntax is correct.

So, does anybody has a clue what I'm missing?
I'm quiet a ldap-novice but thought I understood a little, hmm doesn't
look like it.

Maybe I need to check a global attribut or something?

Help is appreciated and desperately sought

best regards and tahnks in advance

Peter Barth
Medienzentrum Wiesbaden e.V

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