how to change core rlimit?

From: Gerard Henry (
Date: Tue Oct 26 2004 - 11:19:46 EDT

i don't understand what's happening, but after applying jass on my
workstation, i have many apps crashing, like tcsh, dtaction, mozilla...
but i have the message:
genunix: NOTICE: core_log: dtaction[14568] core rlimit is zero, core not
dumped: /var/core/core.dtaction.14568.hobbit.0.0.1098798092

i don't find in jass where core rlimit is set to zero.
If i did:
hobbit-root% ulimit -a
coredump(blocks) 0

but, in /etc/coreadm.conf, every thing seems ok, except:
instead of "no" on other machines

and /var/core has restricted rights:
hobbit-root% ll -d /var/core
   2 drwx------ 2 root root 512 Sep 27 07:52 /var/core
but perhaps it's okay

i don't understand how i can change coredump to unlimit, without
uninstalling jass
where can i change it, without reboot?


gerard henry
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