NFS issue

From: Roy W. Erickson (
Date: Fri Oct 22 2004 - 10:20:06 EDT

Sun Managers:

I rebuilt my two v480's last month. One from Sol8 to Sol9, the other was
already at Sol9 (built by Sun Engineers, rebuilt by me;).

I'm seeing an NFS issue that was not present on either machine before my
rebuild that is now present on both.

These 4x900 480's are file servers running Veritas and using 2gb FC

I run 6 dual-proc Linux nodes on NFS. They read, manipulate, then write
hundreds of 10MB files through them every minute, along with 25 G5's on
AFP, and 60 P4's on CIFS.

The problem is, on the NFS machines, some of the proccessed files are
corrupted towards their ends. This happens when the Sun is running a
load of 15 or higher. The AFP and CIFS client files are fine under the
same loads.

------ ------- ------- ------- --------

The differences on the machine that went from SOl9 to SOl9 are, to my
knowledge, the following:

1)Veritas Foundation Suite: 3.5 --> 4.0 MP1

2)Sol9 Patch set Oct2002 --> Sol9 patch set Sep2004

3) The following /etc/system parameters NOT on the current build are

set ce:ce_taskq_disable=1
set sq_max_size=2
set tune_t_fsflushr=5
set autoup=600
set maxpgio=65536
set maxphys=8388608
set vxio:vol_maxio=2048
set vxio:vol_maxioctl=65536
(The SUN engineers left these behind on both of my earlier systems)

Do any of these look like they would solve my problem?
I was hoping to not need to make 'adjustments' on the new build, so I
left these out.

Also, could there be some other NFS parameters I need to tweak that the
Sun engineers may have changed w/o my knowing?
(In the old days I needed to increase the biod's and the like.)


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