Help: Securing dtremote sessions

From: Angelo McComis (
Date: Thu Sep 16 2004 - 08:57:53 EDT

Hi Sun Managers:
I'm looking to lock down an environment. Most people today use *cough*
telnet to this server, or they have a Sun workstation, and they use the CDE
remote login feature.
Having worked mostly in X-based environments, can someone help me understand
the networking and protocols underneath these dtlogin/dtremote sessions? In
other words, if I shut down the normal "plain-text" protocols such as
telnet, ftp, etc., will the remote CDE still work?
I also ran a security scan, and it turned up many RPC-based vulnerabilities.
Which RPC services can I safely shutdown? NFS is surely going away. Any
Thanks in advance.
I'll summarize.

Angelo McComis
Senior IT Consultant
sunmanagers at mccomis dot com
sunmanagers mailing list

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