New SEAM/Kerberos error since patching

From: Debbie Tropiano (
Date: Mon Jul 05 2004 - 16:41:38 EDT

Folks -

We applied a bunch of Solaris 9 patches last week including
112908-12 which seems to have some unfortunate side effects.
We've hit one mentioned in the 112908-13 patch report and
are wondering about another SEAM/Kerberos problem we've seen.

Starting this weekend (after those patches were applied), some
but not all users we're now getting the error in the kdc log file:

Jul 04 00:37:07 draco krb5kdc[569](info): AS_REQ CLIENT_NOT_FOUND:
sshd@MSN for krbtgt/MSN@MSN, Client not found in Kerberos database

when they try to use sudo. There is (and shouldn't be) an sshd principal.

(Note: To work properly with SEAM/Kerberos and PAM, we're using sudo 1.6.7
as well as OpenSSH 3.8p1 and OpenSSL 0.9.7d.)

Could this also be a side effect of that bad patch? Has anyone else
seen this type of thing before? What's weird is that myself and some
others can run sudo just fine while other users (with the same setup
-- /etc/profile) cannot do so.

Thanks for any help,

+ Debbie Tropiano -- --  +
| Mommy to   Nathan b: 8/17/1995,   ^Sara^ b: 10/25/2000 d: 11/7/2000   &  |
| Leah b: 10/17/2001 a: 9/26/2002 "God shows His opposition to cancer and  |
| birth defects, not by eliminating them or making them happen only to bad |
| people (He can't do that), but by summoning forth friends and neighbors  |
+ to ease the burden and to fill the emptiness."     -- Harold S. Kushner  +
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