Re: solaris 8 authentication to openldap server: GUI login problem

From: Lara Adianto (
Date: Mon Jul 05 2004 - 01:53:30 EDT

Hi again,

I forgot to mention that GUI login authentication
works when using the password in /etc/passwd, but when
the password is in ldap server, it failed. It simply
hangs in ldap_simple_bind function call which I can't
figure out why.

In other authentication (telnet, ssh, etc), it's able
to bind anonymously as "cn=Manager,dc=adianto,dc=com"
before authenticates as the real user. I believe it
should be the same with GUI login.

Anyone, please ?


--- Lara Adianto <> wrote:
> Hi all,
> I'm using pam_ldap to help authenticating solaris 8
> users to openldap server (installed in linux)
> Telnet, su, login, etc works. I can see the server
> receiving the requests from solaris 8, the bind,
> etc.
> However, it doesn't work when i logged of and tried
> to
> login from GUI.
> I can see the server accepting the connection from
> the
> solaris client, but no BIND ! :
> conn=5 fd=9 ACCEPT from IP=
> (IP=
> No more communication between the server and the
> client. It stops there..
> What can go wrong ? Is there any setting that I need
> to set in the solaris ? I'm not using TLS/SSL to
> secure the communication between the server and the
> client yet
> -lara-
> my ldap.conf:
> -------------
> host
> base dc=adianto,dc=com
> binddn cn=Manager,dc=adianto,dc=com
> bindpw secret
> port 389
> scope sub
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