WARNING: add_spec: No Major number for ifp

From: Colin Haffenden (chaffend@msxi-euro.com)
Date: Fri May 21 2004 - 08:39:50 EDT

Hi all,

I have an E250 that I have connected a T3 to via a QLogic card. This is
the procedure I used to connect it....

Install the patches (109399-03, 109529-06 & 109189-05)
install the drivers
add the QLA package
luxadm insert
                Problem encountered here!
                Work around.....
        add ifp & ifph packages
        remove the following drivers
                rem_drv ifp
                rem_drv qla2100
                add_drv -c scsi -i ' "pci1077,2100" ' qla2100

cfgadm -la


ok> show-devs
ok> select /pci@4,4000/sunw,ifp@4
ok> show-children

This worked fine, however I have just attached another T3 to an E450, I
used the same procedure as above but when I get to the "ok> select
/pci@4,4000/sunw,ifp@4" part it cannot select the card. On a reboot I
get an error messages saying....

"WARNING: add_spec: No Major number for ifp"

I can see the T3 in format ok. This is the 'ls -l' output for the

crw------- 1 root sys 219, 0 May 20 18:30

Does the 0 represent the major number?

I've noticed on the working system that this field is a 1

crw------- 1 root sys 227, 1 Feb 14 11:03

I have a feeling that this is a patchable problem?

Any ideas?


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