Summary : 4GB RAM on Blade1000

From: Marcelino Mata (
Date: Wed Apr 21 2004 - 12:30:16 EDT

Many thanks to those who gave suggestions. I can not give the exact reason
or solution to the problem but I did upgrade the OBP to the latest and it
worked. As the computer is needed, I could not waste any more time finding
out the root cause. I did learn that setting diag-switch?=true and
diag-level=max requires a lot of patience. With 1.5Gb RAM on OBP 4.13, it
takes around 10 minutes before the graphics card kicks in. You basically
stare at a blank screen thinking the workstation has locked up. I suspect
it would take longer than 10 minutes with 5Gb RAM but I had someone standing
over my shoulder waiting for his computer back.

In the end I do not believe 100% that my problem was OBP related. With
1.5GB RAM it appeared to hang at the same location as 5GB a few
hanging I mean it takes longer than 4+ minutes instead of the normal 3-5


>-----Original Message-----
>From: Marcelino Mata
>Sent: Tuesday, April 20, 2004 3:45 PM
>To: Sun Managers
>Subject: 4GB RAM on Blade1000
>We just purchased an additional 4Gb RAM for our Blade1000 (Sun
>licensed 3rd party). We have removed all existing RAM to keep
>things simple. While the system starts to boot, it hangs
>shortly after the "Print service starting" message.
>Has anyone else run across this type of problem? I can not
>find any memory related issues resolved in OpenBoot level
>upgrades but I am running version 4.5.4 while the latest is 4.13.0
>Is there any useful diagnostics routines at the OpenBoot level?
>System Information
># /usr/sbin/prtconf -V
>OBP 4.5.4 2001/12/19 14:37
># eeprom
>test-args: data not available.
>oem-logo: data not available.
>oem-banner: data not available.
>diag-file: data not available.
>boot-file: data not available.
>nvramrc=devalias mydev /pci@8,700000/SUNW,XVR-500@1
>devalias xvr500 /pci@8,700000/SUNW,XVR-500@1
>security-password: data not available.
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