Find to exclude dirs/subdirs

From: Bhavesh Shah (
Date: Thu Apr 08 2004 - 19:57:33 EDT

Hi Gurus,

I have a shell script which creates a Dir structure to newly created Sun
Box from a File which has Dir List.

I would like to create a New File with a complete Dir structure
excluding certain Directories (Only Dirs not files)

If I use

find . -type d

will give me a recursive list of Dirs in a current Dir which is fine.

find . -type d ! -name '[0-9]*'

will exclude Dirs which starts with numbers but to exclude mutilple dirs

find . -type d ! -name '[0-9]*' -o -type d ! -name . -o -type d -name NT

doesn't work neither

find . -type d ! \( -name '[0-9]*' -o -name NT -o -name .snapshot \)

I tried -prune switch as well but it lists files as well besides

 Also tried ls -d * / but it gives dir list in current Dir only not the

My question is:

How can I exclude multiple directories with find command? I am running
Solaris 8

Do I need any other tool ? or which is a best way to create a dir list
recursively in a current dir without files listing?

Any Help will be greatly Appreciated.

Thanks in advance

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