recommended LDAP server?

From: Jochen Laubrock (
Date: Thu Feb 05 2004 - 05:32:28 EST

Dear sunmanagers,

we are planning to make the transition from NIS+ to an LDAP based
directory server. One reason for this is the integration of some Mac OS
X workstations, which do not speak nis+ (another is that Sun is
dropping nis+ support). We currently have limited knowledge of LDAP.

We are looking for recommendations on which LDAP server to use. Main
required functionality is user authentication and authorization (by
ldap plugins) and nfs mounts/shares (automounter would be a plus).
These are the current options:

(1) iPlanet 4.13 shipped with Solaris 2.8 media pack (including license
for 200k directory entries)
(2) iPlanet 5.2/Sun Java Directory Server 5.2 (use one machine as
master server running Solaris 2.9)
(3) OpenLDAP

Our main criteria are stability, speed, and ease of administration. My
guess is that iplanet will be faster and easier to administer than
OpenLDAP. Is this true? If so, what version of iPlanet would you
recommend in this environment (10 OS X clients using OpenLDAP, 10
Solaris 2.8 clients using native ldap client)?

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