Remote backup using ufsdump

From: Mario Andrés Yepes C (
Date: Fri Jan 30 2004 - 09:13:06 EST


I have 2 SunFire280R machines and a DLT8000 tape backup connected to one
of the machines.

I traying to backup one system on the tape backup of the other whith the
following command

ssh -C sun2 ufsdump 0afo /tmp/dumplog - /u00 | dd of=/dev/rmt/0cn bs=1024

So far so good,

The problem is that I want to backup multiple systems. The ufsdump
documantation says that the procedure should be as follows:

ssh -C sun2 ufsdump 0afo /tmp/dumplog - /u00 /u01 /u05 | dd
of=/dev/rmt/0cn bs=1024

But it just doesnt work. It just baks up the first file system.and it
doesn't report any errors.

I would like to use ufsdump instead of tar so I can use the interactive
tool ufsrestore.

Any sugestions.

Thanks in advance

Mario Andris Yepes C
Support Ingeneer
Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana
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