Pruning the "?_Recommended" Patch Clusters

From: Crist Clark (
Date: Tue Dec 16 2003 - 13:29:30 EST

Any Solaris administrator knows that applying the ?
patch cluster typically takes hours to run. I'm not completely sure
why it has to. I've been trying to "prune" sets manually and it drastically
speeds things up. I wanted to enquire here as to whether anyone knows of
a reason that this would "break" installation of the cluster. (I know
Sun support's knee jerk reaction would be that I always must run their
script on the untouched cluster, so no point in asking them.)

The biggest timesaver seems to be removing patches that are clearly
already applied. What could this break?

  cd 8_Recommended
  for PATCH in 1*; do
        [ -d /var/sadm/patch/$PATCH ] &&
                rm -r $PATCH

I think I know why it seem to take patchadd(1M) so much longer to figure
this out. I guess it builds its patch list from examining the
/var/sadm/pkg/*/pkginfo files. But if I haven't been adding "new" (but
unpatched) packages to the system, would my test possibly cause any

Other tricks for speeding "install_cluster?" Will summarize for the list
of course.

Crist J. Clark                     
Globalstar Communications                                (408) 933-4387
sunmanagers mailing list

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