RE: DNS server question - solution

From: David McWilliams (
Date: Thu Nov 06 2003 - 15:24:57 EST

First answer, spot on, gotta love this list. Missing a default route

--- "Graham, Chad" <> wrote:
> David,
> It almost sounds like a routing problem. Did you make sure a default
> or static route exists for that machine to have external access? Did
> you
> ip the new build the same as the old? I only ask in case there is a
> firewall along the line performing NAT for the old address, or
> allowing
> DNS out by the old address/hostname.
> Just a thought
> Chad Graham
> -----Original Message-----
> From: David McWilliams []
> Sent: Thursday, November 06, 2003 12:57 PM
> To:
> Subject: DNS server question
> I've been asked to have a look at a formerly sunctional DNS server as
> the admin is away on maternity leave. They had the root disk die on
> it
> and would like it up and running again. I have never touched DNS
> before, but here goes. The site has two, one works fine, resolving
> both
> internally and externally, the other only resolves internal names and
> times out on external. They have a old copy of the original HDD that
> I
> am selectively copying files back from.
> The /etc/named.conf file exist on both machines. Only the
> non-functional had a /etc/named.boot file...
> The /var/named directory exists and both have good looking,
> named.local, named.<domain>, db.cache & db.<domain> files...
> Are there and quick places to check, which file/ stanza instructs
> in.named to interrogate a ROOT server...
> Any pointers would be great,
> David
> =====
> Checkout the McWilliams family website @
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