Mixing UltraSparc 2 with/without mirrored Ecache

From: DAUBIGNE Sebastien - BOR ( SDaubigne@bordeaux-bersol.sema.slb.com ) (SDaubigne@bordeaux-bersol.sema.slb.com)
Date: Thu Oct 23 2003 - 05:01:01 EDT

Do you know if it is supported to mix mirrored Ecache UltraSparc 2 with
non-mirrored one in a single Ultra-Enterprise server (e.g. E6500) ?

We have an E6500 with mirrored Ecache US2 and would like to add more CPU
from a E6000 that has non-mirrored Ecache.

Is there any chance it could work ?
Is there any potential risk ?

Sebastien DAUBIGNE 
<mailto:sdaubigne@bordeaux-bersol.sema.slb.com>  - (+33)
SchlumbergerSema - SGS/DWH/Pessac
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