MaXXan SA100f

From: Murray Robert-rmurra01 (
Date: Thu Oct 02 2003 - 10:24:23 EDT

If anyone is using this type of NAS head technology , and have any comments about it
please let me know, I have not encountered Maxxan before
Best Regards

-----Original Message-----
From: Tim Chipman []
Sent: 02 October 2003 15:22
To: sunmanagers
Subject: Sep-24-03 Rec.Patch.Cluster on Ora8i e450-> Performance Hit
Issue ?

Hi All,

I apologize for the lame nature of this query ; unfortunately it is the
kind of thing that only can be gleaned from this sort of forum, potentially.

We applied last FridayPM what was the most-recent "recommended patch
cluster" from sunsolve on all of our servers here (sept-24-03 cluster)
including our primary database machine (Oracle8i on an e450, 4x400mhz
2gig ram, has T3 disk array for primary DB volume, A1000 for some
low-priority DB data).

Since that time, we've observed a not-insignificant hit to performance
when doing "large batch jobs" (for instance, one job that runs nightly
is a large "select", reading approx. 700,000 records ; prior to applying
the patch cluster, this job ran in ~45 minutes ; since applying the
patch cluster, it takes nearly 90 minutes to complete).

Our DBA assures me until blue-in-face that *nothing* else has changed
WRT the oracle config, and we're quite certain that no other changes
were rolled into this system anytime recently (nor since the last reboot

So, this is just a general query - on the "off chance" that anyone else
who applied this patch cluster to an oracleDBserver has observed a
similar hit to performance.

Given the ## of patches applied in a cluster like this, I'm not terribly
optimistic that I can easily diagnose the underlying cause. Options that
are readily open which I can see include, (a) rollback to pre-patch
state using our "disaster recovery dumps" of the system, or (b) apply
the most recent patch cluster just released, dated Oct-1-03. [as an
aside - since when does Sun release new recommended patch clusters this
frequently?!? it used to be far less often a few years ago, IIRC?].

Any thoughts / comments or ideally similar experiences confirming that
I'm not insane -- would be greatly appreciated.


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