32-bit vs 64-bit Drivers

From: dweeks@spatialwireless.com
Date: Wed Sep 10 2003 - 23:22:25 EDT

I have a number of Sparcblades (PICMIC-216) which use the 500 Mhz UltraIIe processor. Our engineers are scared to death of 64 bit mode because one of our original vendors driver was a Solaris 7 driver and only worked in 32 bit mode. (They have since released 64-bit drivers). Now, 2/3 of our code is compiled with the v8plus flag instead of the v9plus tag. Can anyone help me to reason with these guys. I know that Ultra's native mode is 64 bit and I have a suspicion that the 64 bit drivers and libraries are better tested and than the 32 bit libraries. I would venture to guess that there are very few of you who even use 32-bit (ie, set the boot-file to kernel/unix instead of default). Can anyone shed more light on this or point me at any websites where it might be discussed? I welcome any comments pro or con.
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