V880, Solaris 9, Oracle questions

From: Jason McIntosh (jmcintosh@mlug.missouri.edu)
Date: Thu Aug 28 2003 - 10:37:18 EDT

I'm working on getting a V880 system running with Oracle 9iR2 on
Solaris 9. I've got all (or all the non-contract) patches installed,
partitions set, etc. Here's a few questions though:

What kernel settings should I set in /etc/system for such a system?
I've got 4GB of Ram, and 3 36GB FC-AL harddrives reserved for Oracle.
This system is ONLY for the Oracle database, and nothing else. Anyone
have some suggestions on shmmax settings, or something like maxpgio?
Are these settings even required in Solaris 9? Are there any other
tuning options or /etc/system options I should set? I've got logging
set on my main partitions, and noatime set on the oracle data
partitions. I'm not using both logging and noatime due to the
corruption bug with that combination.

Are there any other settings I should have set? Swap size minimum
recommendations? I've got a 1GB Swap partition at the moment. I
didn't want to create more as I don't think it will be necessary
considering the load. If I need to add more swap, can I create a swap
file on one of my existing partitions instead of creating a swap
partition? Is there any disadvantage to such a method?

I appreciate any info, and will summarize as always.
Jason McIntosh

Jason McIntosh
University of Missouri
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