Error with Autoinstall program when adding Network information - Sunfire v120

From: Tomas de Leon Jr (
Date: Mon Aug 25 2003 - 11:21:08 EDT

I am working with a Sunfire v120. Out of the box the Sun has a Auto
config program which
allows you to setup network configuration. I am running into the
following error:

q System Identification Error

   An error occurred while trying to set the IP address x.x.x.x on the
   network interface.

> Press F2 to dismiss this message.

I know this is a known issue with the auto install program and I have
run into this before.
The fix was to say "no" to the newtork stuff and when the sun came up.
There was a
command to "reset" sun to factory defaults again. Then rerun
autoinstall and it would work...

But I forgot what the command was to reset the box to factory

any ideas?


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