mozilla install instructions and GTK2?

From: Chris Hoogendyk (
Date: Fri Aug 22 2003 - 13:53:37 EDT

This may appear to be a rediculous questions, but I have been frustrated
in looking through the documentation and instructions and searching

The install instructions for Mozilla 1.2.1 on Solaris 8 Sparc say that
you need either gnome or just the GTK2 libraries installed with gnome.
The instructions say, cd to the GTK2 directory and run the GTK2install
if you just want the libraries. I have downloaded, gunzipped and
untarred gnome from Sun, and cannot find any GTK install, upper case or
lower case, with or without the 2. I have found some items that are
gtk-2.0, but no install.

I also searched and didn't find anything helpful. I don't
really want to install all of gnome just to get the libraries Mozilla
needs. I'm trying to keep my server as lean as possible. If I could, I
would even install just the browser only, but I'm trying to get a Sun
install rather than something completely third party.

What's up with their install instructions?

Has anyone done this and know the missing or updated instructions?

I'm doing it on a production SunRay server, so I don't like just
blundering my way through.


Chris Hoogendyk

   O__ ---- Network Specialist & Unix Systems Administrator
  c/ /'_ --- Library Information Systems & Technology Services
 (*) \(*) -- W.E.B. Du Bois Library
~~~~~~~~~~ - University of Massachusetts, Amherst


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