Mixing Disk Suite and Volume Manager in the boot disk.

From: Andres Rojas (arojasm@adexus.cl)
Date: Wed Aug 20 2003 - 20:15:11 EDT

Dear Managers,

For a time I've been using a mixture of Disk Suite and Volume Manager for
safety reasons. Basically the root disk is mirrored entirely using Disk
Suite. Left, however a 10MB partition free in both internal disks to create
the rootdg structure needed to bringup Volume Manager. These both
partitions were setup using the single partition method separately. These
partitions are the only not mirrored partitions under Disk Suite control.
The rest of the configuration either using internal and/or external (disk
array) disks raid structures are setup now with Volume Manager.

As I wrote I've been doing this for safety reasons. If for any reason the
Disk Suite gets corrupted I still can boot from a single disk and get
Volume Manager back into production leaving the corruption or disk failure
corrective action for the future. On the other hand if Volume Manager gets
corrupted (less usual, but occurs) I still have bootable disks under Disk
Suite (or not, depending of the point of view, but bootable at last) and
from these point I can work to get back Volume Manager to life again.
There's still a rootdg component alive.

If I have everything under Volume Manager's control having encapsulated the
boot disk the recovery process becomes difficult.

I don't see any potential failure/performance issue by doing this but I'd
like to hear the experts if possible.

Thanks in advance for your attention,

- Andris.
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