solaris 9 ssh hangs from cron...

Date: Wed Aug 06 2003 - 14:48:50 EDT

I have a job i run that ssh-es to all my servers and runs a command, it
works fine from the command line but from cron it hangs on each host, the
ssh process does not return from the remote command. The remote command
only takes 30 seconds to run but it never returns.
My server is solaris 9 and the clients are solaris 8 running openssh.

here is the "ps -ef" of the problem:

root@host2:/tmp/sarcheck/030806# date
Wed Aug 6 14:48:04 EDT 2003

root@host2:/tmp/sarcheck/030806# psg sarch
    root 15877 15640 0 11:50:08 ? 0:01 ssh fsasun9
    root 15639 469 0 11:50:01 ? 0:00 sh -c
/opt/local/bin/make_sarcheck_web > /tmp/make_sarcheck_web.log 2>&1
    root 15640 15639 0 11:50:01 ? 0:00 /bin/ksh

my cronjob looks like the following:

for i in fsasun9 host2 host3
ssh $i "/usr/local/bin/run_sarcheck"

Evan Gold
Financial Security Assurance
Tel: 212.893.2762
Fax: 212.339.0852
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